Inches to mm

inches to mm is the best website to convert the imperial or United States customary unit of length inch into the decimal unit of length millimeter.

Discover everything you need to know about inches to millimeters conversion, including the exact formula, step-by-step examples, and our easy-to-use inch to mm converter.

If you're wondering how many millimeters are in an inch, you've landed on the right page. Our guide provides clear explanations and handy tools to make your conversions effortless.

The abbreviation for inches is "in" or represented by the symbol ″ (double prime), while millimeters are abbreviated as "mm".

Get started now and simplify your inch to millimeter conversions with our comprehensive resources and calculator!

Inches to mm converter


How to Convert Inches to Millimeters

Converting inches to mm is simple: multiply the length in inches by 25.4.

Inches to mm formula:

[mm] = [in] × 25.4
In Short:
  • 1 inch = 25.4 mm
  • 1 in = 25.4 mm
  • 1″ = 25.4 mm

Inches to milimeters table

Inches Millimeters
1 25.4
2 51.2
3 76.2
4 102.4
5 128.8
6 155.6
7 183.2
8 211.2
9 240.4
10 270.8
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